

-Need to double check dates because all of these are supposed to be in a row but my memory is getting the best of me-

DREAM 0 (???): Sought knowledge, God the Father kept moving it ever so slightly out of reach in the sky (words in golden sky in black ink, geometric letters)
-before going to bed i had wondered if i should keep on reading or pray more, i had heard of the story of a russian saint who had done such a mistake-

DREAM 1 (Monday night 22/1): Unspeakable evil done by the elite to dozens of young men in a dark room/dungeon (implied TNT worship), scalping (could see brain), Gloria Vanderbilt? pale older woman’s face right before i saw a young man’s exposed brain
-this was after a throwback on the c. cooper suicide. the morning i woke up from this dream, i saw that in my sleep a ceramic plate at appartment entrance that calls for the blessing of our house shattered. upon waking up i told to myself to not write anything about the dream and that i imperatively needed to forget everything that i had seen. i recited a prayer and scrolled through youtube until the dream faded. why did i do this? some details (like the scalping) remained engraved in my mind, but i can’t imagine what else i had seen. did i intrude a ritual i was never meant to witness?-

DREAM 2 (Tuesday night 23/1): Oriental restaurant conversion attempt (at a persian-indian-arab fusion restaurant/hotel/villa, was offered free food, islamic apologist staff, I did not convert but we remained civil, implied jinn staff (glowing eyes, certain serpentine aura, melodic voice))
-that night i slept with an arabic bible under my pillow amongst other christian items around my room, i had a frightful night after reading up about Tunisian polytheism, a strange bout of paranoia. listened to ayatul kursi and recited it after being told it would help. i suppose the dream speaks for itself-

DREAM 3 (Wednesday night 24/1): Baptised by the Holy Spirit in my living room (water baptism, water poured from the ceiling, mom was there)
-read about Nabeel Qureshi’s passing during the day. also read about the case in egypt where a girl was killed in broad daylight for rejecting someone’s advances, and on the lds church. related?-

DREAM 4 (Thursday night 25/1): Kept seeing the four horsemen of the Apocalypse everywhere. I was talking in favour of mormonism. Preaching interrupted: my mother needed medication. I went to buy some with K but found myself coerced by K (and his mother, both muslims) to go to the south of Spain where it meets Africa (again, TNT. It’s implied it was for some form of pilgrimage). They forced me to go with them in a bus (we were to go by any public transportation except for plane, it’s implied we were to travel by land only). I escaped in time and tried to walk home (I was still in Lebanon, towards the south). Asked a family that was parked to the side (they had suitcases, back from the airport) if I could hitchhike (americans). The mother said no, but said she’d pay for my Uber. I told her I usually don’t take Ubers at night for safety reasons and pleaded but to no avail.
-mothers mothers mothers…-

DREAM 5 (Friday night 26/1): Logged as: THE ATEN DREAM -
K HAD THE SAME DREAM- + the christian cult + slums

The Aten dream:

- My dream:
I was in a room decorated with the Aten. To my left was a tablet on the wall with letters that looked sharp, like arabic numbers. The people in the room were known to me as ‘the elite’ (like in TNT dream) and were committing horrible acts, namely cannibalism. They were all naked. They were praising “Amun-Ra”
- K’s dream
Same room, he recognised the inscription as Phoenician. There was someone with him who referred to Aten as “ALLELEMENT” (all-element but as a singular word) No elite, no cannibalism etc.

The christian cult:

I was on a Christian ‘commune’’s grounds. Little boy kept following me around talking about if I wanted his “SD card”. Realized later he was being profoundly abused and the SD card in question was pornographic - he thought I came to the commune as a client.


I was taken by some sort of pagan cult, they took me to Detroit (???) and pierced my face with gemstones. Vividly remember gemstones along my jawline.

DREAM 6 (Saturday night 27/1): Saw Isis knot. Logged this dream as “prayer knots, debates”

DREAM 8 (Sunday night 28/1): Wrote it down as: The tablets / The prayer / The acid / The mall + books

The tablets : 10 tablets with the same commandment(s) on them, worded differently for different levels of intellect - the main idea was that people were going to be judged based upon their capacities. So tablet #1 had very simple text, and tablet #10 used complex terms, but they all had the same contents.

The prayer : ???

The acid/mall/books : I was getting books from the mall to understand the dreams above and R threw acid at me (watch battery?)

DREAM 9 (Monday night 29/1): I was a child in a boarding school in the future and paganism was the norm, people had to swear allegiance to a specific ‘clan’ (e.g. an ancient tribe that worshipped a specific pantheon). I felt myself grow more and more angry, I didn’t want to pick any pantheon, so I swore fealty to the Varangian Guard as a way to pick Christianity anyway. People protested this loophole (I was the only student to pick the Varangians), but no-one could do anything about it. I got in a fight with a Norse Pagan girl.

Also saw an old church, there was a limping old man clad in black like an Orthodox priest at the end of my dream, he had kind eyes, he was shaking (Parkinson’s)

DREAM 10 (Tuesday night 30/1): I was with V in what seemed to be a bedroom. We were on the ground wiht our backs against the bed and I was playing either Animal Crossing or Stardew Valley on the switch. V noted that he could tell I was disinterested, then asked me if I was okay because my breathing was getting heavier. Suddenly a bright light (that didn’t hurt our eyes) appeared, and an angel spoke what sounded like “Nesfari Korim”. (נספרי קורים)
-two things: one, after waking up I remembered that the angel had a trumpet, but I’m not sure if I actually saw this or if I was theorising. two, apparently ‘nesfari korim’ translates to ‘i will narrate to the readers’ or ‘we will tell the stories’ or something about counting in hebrew but i’d need someone who actually speaks hebrew to confirm because i couldn’t aside from one source-

DREAM 11 (Wednesday night 31/1): I do not recall the first dream but it had something to do with Baghdad.
In the second dream, I was in a bathhouse called “The Twin Pools” (it had two long narrow pools in one room). The owner seemed agitated, because due to external forces the bathhouse was forced to shut down. He said something about being Jewish and I seemed surprised because I had assumed the owner was Catholic due to the appearance of the bathhouse, but as I looked around it did have some jewish/yiddish artwork. It’s only after I woke up that I realised Twin Pools was an obvious crude joke about a certain event.
In the second dream, I was in the car with R and C. I was driving, and after going through a roundabout with much difficulty we found a shortcut to go to our destination. As we drove the road turned into a desert and we seemed to be in a race with everyone else but we couldn’t understand why. We somehow ended up first place. I was pat-down to check if I had my phone (I did but it disappeared). A man handed me a book with a black cover and a brown illustration in the bot-middle with the title “ADONAI” in big white letters. C and R were right behind me to my left and right. Note that they coincidentally have the same nickname (”Night”) and that they’re both half-French.
In the third dream I was being shown female Mormon undergarments (it’s a white dress with subtle symbols on it). It was typical to the usual ones you’d find except that the compass symbol was replaced with a square (the tool) in a square. The dress was also a bit more translucent that the usual fabric mormons would use, and when it was shown to me I could see and feel in great details every woven thread. This happened in a bedroom during the day, farmhouse vibes, the person showing me the dress was an older woman.

DREAM 12 (Thursday night 1/2): “Pay as much attention to these little games as you do life, for these games will teach you a lot about life.”
-these little games = the dreams. ironically, all i recall. 2 nights? balt?-

DREAM 13 (Friday night 2/2, night #1): Part 1: “Brewery?” “Terrible fireworks” “Man that died and said he couldn’t be a demon anymore due to the fireworks” (this part was with M, T(orchbearer), J)
-i wake up and feel someone behind me, breathing down my neck. T also dreamt of all of us that night.-
Part 2: The deus theses/the deus quartet, “avada kedavra” joke (probably bc this part of the dream was with a huge nerd), drove with K2, K, R2 (rainy). We found a shop in the middle of nowhere (tarot cards, Ram Dass stickers, dolphin merch). They were also selling a mini encyclopedia of the crystals in the Bible and a DIY worship kit of Baal with mini goat figurines (red). I was given ‘The Deus Quartet’, but only three books.
-what’s the deal with reading and books? read! read!-

DREAM 14 (Saturday night 3/2, night #2): Mosque building itself with K, especially the golden ceiling (flower art on the inside). “Table tennis”? I think we went to a social gathering and I saw people play table tennis, but I’m not sure why I noted this way... In another part of the dream, or another dream, I shared food with R3, she mentioned that she lived in Morocco when asked if it was of her heritage. I gave most of my food to L without her knowing because there wasn’t enough food to share with everyone equally.
-before the dream, at night K read the quran with me and explained some parts that weren’t clear. texted by the sister that night, sunday morning i was given the BOM in french. i think i met the older woman from dream 11 this morning when i attended the sermon-

DREAM 15 (Sunday night 4/2): Geometric shapes. I was interviewed by MTV (they were interviewing people to find prophets?) and they realised I was either some sort of messiah or a prophet on live TV. They looked terrified, that poor interviewer. It dawned on them when I told them where my mom’s side of the family was from.

DREAM 16 (Monday night 5/2): Did not note this dream down correctly, unfortunately. I remember most of the last part was in an LDS temple, and that a lot of them were afflicted with the sin of gluttony. There was something about a porcelain doll, and something about a song, which I do not recall much.

DREAM 17 (Tuesday night 6/2): “More church but this time it had born again and hinduism stuff to it” I don’t know if church here refers to an actual church or an LDS temple, but the “more” implies it was LDS.

DREAM 18 (Wednesday night 7/2): The LDS church compared to a disease “LDS flu” because it’s spreading rapidly, dream was set in a temple, pretty floral pattern on the walls (light blue).

DREAM 19 (Thursday night 8/2): This is how I noted this dream:
”Worked from home with coworkers, witches dream, dream in dreams, cottage in the apocalypse, boss called Moore - horses - the sun god as “evil” but I had to take that back and say his form wasn’t evil, just different.

DREAM 20 (Friday night 9/2): “Prayer, Palestine, friends” the friends in question were the movie night group.

DREAM 21 (Saturday night 10/2): “Prayer, book store, bar - hindi characters - Lt’s cat” I adopted my friend’s old cat, Katy. The hindi characters were written on a wall and on someone’s headband - they (likely) said Om Mani Padma Hum.

DREAM 22 (Sunday night 11/2): “The tanach and hebrew conflight (?) - I was reading to find arguments against a specific islamic figure. "Tanach" here was used to refer to people (“Tanachian”) who are of hebrew origin but follow a different set of beliefs (from the word Tanakh?). The islamic figure had a white turban and light colored hair, I don’t know if Abu Bakr was it or if I thought of that name upon waking up randomly. There was more to the dream - I remember a crowd, but I haven’t been sleeping properly and I fear it has affected my ability to recall my oneiric escapades.
-i’m not sure in which dream this happened, but i’m certain that in one dream i was playing the piano with someone, i was reminded of this when i visited the Charles Corm foundation and saw the piano in the main room. also, note that in my dreams the LDS temples look like the Charles Corm foundation building-

DREAM 23 (Monday night 12/2): I only noted “Death in trinity”. I remember that it was a serious topic at least, and that there were other people. I also saw some sort of grim reaper, as I recall a dark figure and a scythe, but I don’t know if it was sentient or a statue.